Vendor Directory
This resource was created for clients and vendors looking to support vendors of color and/or folx in the queer community. Let’s change the wedding industry one step at a time. Inclusion matters. Diversity matters. This is a small way to help make that happen in the wedding industry.
Marcela of Marcela Pulido Photography is a local Portland photographer who also had the same brilliant idea and we are joining forces to streamline the vendor directory to make it more accessible.
Mariah Surat, an Event and Marketing Manager for Pelican Brewing Company, also as an ongoing list which I will link here. In the meantime I will leave my current Vendor Directory up until more vendors can update and input their information into one platform.
Thanks for being patient with us! This is a continual work in progress that is getting better each day.
Vendors are available for respective paid services and you can inquire about collaborations and styled shoots. Mercatus PDX is another great resource for finding entrepreneurs of color.
Please note this is a list that allows you to make professional connections. Contact me via email: if you would like to be added to this directory or if you have any concerns regarding a vendor listed. This document is updated and revised occasionally.
Last updated 6/26/20
People Are Not Props
“For diversity to have impact and mean something within the creative industries, we have to acknowledge that so often within these spaces - where we are aiming to connect with culture daily - that we miss the chance to be more nuanced, that we miss a chance to check micro-aggressions directed towards people of colour and that we miss the chance to challenge the spaces we work in… It’s giving your space to those in need and doing more pro-bono work for cultural causes. It’s giving time and money to specific groups… It’s making a commitment to dismantle privilege within the space you work in everyday and checking your own privilege at the door, daily.” —Lemara Lindsay-Prince, “Diversity breeds tokenism, what we need is inclusion: a post-election view on the US creative industry”
Read more from this article on Catalyst Wedding Co.
Note: I didn't write this article. It is linked as a great starting point to learn more about being inclusive.
“Diversity requires a change in attitude and mindset, as well as conscious self-check to avoid making decisions based on unconscious biases. Diversity also should not be thought of a standalone program, but rather as a cultural movement”. —Vivien, “What’s Better: Meritocracy or Tokenism?”